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Winston Lake is an early-stage exploration project with two key asset areas – Beavertrap and Carib Creek.

Winston Lake

A hugely underexplored area currently seeing a lot of investment and activity

Multiple high priority airborne mag and EM Conductors exist within the property that have not previously been drill tested and may relate to the volcanic stratigraphy that hosts both base metal and gold mineralization to the south and east. Reconnaissance prospecting over one anomaly in the south west area of Carib Creek located quartz veins assaying up to 0.54 per cent. Pb, 0.32g/t Au.

The properties are considered prospective for base metals and gold being adjacent to Metallum Zinc Resources’s Superior Lake zinc project which contains a VMS style high-grade zinc deposit. The Metallum Zinc Resources deposit consists of the historic Winston Lake and Pick Lake mines with a JORC Resource of 2.35 Mt at 17.7 per cent. Zn, 0.9 per cent. Cu, 0.38 g/t Au & 34 g/t Ag and a Probable Ore Reserve of 1.96Mt at 13.9 per cent. Zn, 0.6 per cent. Cu, 0.2g/t Au & 26.2g/t Ag.

The Carib Creek property adjoins the CBLT Inc. Coco-Estelle Deposit to the South, which hosts a historic resource of 53,700 tonnes grading 10.7 g/t gold. A four-hole, 512 metre diamond drilling program during November and December 2017 results include of 1.96 grams per tonne (g/t) gold over 11.0 metres (m) in hole BD17-01, 5.90 g/t gold over 5.0 m in hole BD17-02 and 3.05 g/t gold over 8.0 m in hole BD17-03. A second composite lower down in drill hole BD17-01 returned a bonanza value of 823.1 g/t (26.339 oz/ton) gold over a core length of 0.5 m, within a larger interval of 1.3 m grading 320.1 gold g/t

Quick Facts
  • Two asset areas – Beavertrap and Carib Creek
  • Prospective for zinc, copper and gold
  • To be developed as a possible JV / acquisition target
